How to Cancel Order on Zomato Easy Updated guide 2023

Shruti Sharma
10 Min Read

Hi! As you are finding a solution for how to cancel an order on Zomato your complete solution is here in easy steps. Zomato is a very popular online food delivery app, zomato makes ordering food very easy and efficient with just a few taps on your phone or clicks on your computer. However, there may be some issues and situations arise where you might need to cancel your order. Whether it’s a mood change or you ordered something by mistaken selection, Zomato understands everything and gives you flexibility. In this blog, we will take you through the whole easy-step process of canceling an order on Zomato within seconds, and with important information regarding Zomato’s cancellation policy also.


Steps are here for canceling zomato order :

  • Launching the Zomato app and logging in
  • Accessing the order history
  • Initiating the cancellation process
  • Providing appropriate reasons for cancellation
  • Confirming the cancellation and reviewing refund status




How to Cancel Order on Zomato App


Step 1: Launching the Zomato app and logging in

Open the Zomato app on your mobile device and sign in with your credentials to access your account.

Step 2: Accessing the order history

Navigate to the order history section within the app. This is usually found in the user profile or account settings area.

Step 3: Initiating the cancellation process

Locate the specific order that you wish to cancel and select the cancellation option provided.

Step 4: Providing appropriate reasons for cancellation

Zomato typically asks users to specify the reason for cancellation. Some common reasons include delayed delivery, change in preferences, or order inaccuracies. Choose the appropriate option to proceed.

Step 5: Confirming the cancellation and reviewing refund status

After providing the necessary details, confirm the cancellation. Keep in mind that the refund status may vary depending on the cancellation policy and the stage of the order process.


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Cancel Zomato order with  their Website


Step 1: Opening the Zomato website and signing in

Launch your preferred web browser and visit the official Zomato website. Sign in to your account using your credentials to cancel zomato order.

Step 2: Accessing the order section

Locate the order section within your account settings or profile area on the website. This should provide you with an overview of your active and past orders.

Step 3: Requesting cancellation and selecting reasons

Identify the specific order you want to cancel and proceed to request cancellation. Zomato will likely prompt you to select the reason for cancellation from a predefined set of options.

Step 4: Verifying cancellation success and refund information

Confirm that the cancellation has been successfully initiated. Take note of any refund details provided, as the timelines may vary based on Zomato’s policies and payment methods used.


Cancelling Orders Through zomato Customer Support


how to cancel zomato order : steps


how to cancel order on zomato


Step 1: Locating Zomato customer support contacts

Find the contact information for Zomato’s customer support. This can usually be found on their website or within the app under the “Help” or “Support” section to cancel zomato order.

Step 2: Calling or messaging Zomato’s customer support team

Contact Zomato’s customer support via the provided phone number or by using the in-app messaging feature. Be prepared to provide your order details and reasons for cancellation.

Step 3: Requesting order cancellation assistance

Politely request assistance for cancelling your order. The customer support team will guide you through the process and ensure a smooth cancellation experience.

Step 4: Providing required details and reasons for cancellation

You have to cooperate with customer support executive and provide the all information they ask, like your order number, restaurant details, and your reasons for cancellation. This will help in the cancellation process.

Step 5: Confirming cancellation status and refund details

After providing the required information, verify the cancellation status and inquire about the refund timelines. Customer support will provide you with the necessary updates.

Await confirmation: After successfully canceling your order, you should receive a notification confirming its cancellation. This notification may be in the form of an email or an in-app message. Keep in mind that Zomato’s cancellation process may vary based on your location and specific circumstances.


How to Cancel Order on Zomato in iPhone


Here Are the Steps :


Zomato is mobile application for iPhone offers a convenient way to cancel zomato order. Here’s a quick guide on canceling your Zomato order specifically through the iPhone app:

  • Open the Zomato app: Locate and tap the Zomato app on your iPhone’s home screen to launch it.


  • Login to your account: Enter your Zomato account credentials to access your personalized features and order history.


  • Access your orders: Look for the “My Orders” tab or icon, usually found at the bottom of the screen. Tap on it to view your recent orders.


  • Select the order you want to cancel: select the order from order list the one you wish to cancel. Now Tap on the order to see the order details to cancel zomato order.


  • Initiate the cancellation: Within the order details, you should find the option to cancel the order. Tap on it, and follow any additional prompts or instructions to complete the cancellation process.


  • Confirmation of cancellation: After canceling the order successfully, await a confirmation notification from Zomato. This notification will ensure that your cancellation has been processed accordingly.


Zomato Order Cancellation Policy


First of all you have to understand Zomato’s order cancellation policy. Here are some important key factors and key points to keep in mind You can read all the policies here on zomato official

site :


  • Time restrictions: Zomato allows order cancellations within a specific timeframe, typically before the restaurant starts preparing your food. After this point, cancellation may not be possible, and you may be charged.


  • Restaurant policies: Some restaurants on Zomato may have their own cancellation policies. It’s essential to check if the restaurant you’ve ordered from has any specific guidelines regarding order cancellations.


  • Refunds and charges: Depending on the circumstances, canceling an order on Zomato may incur certain charges. Zomato’s refund policy outlines how and when you may receive a refund, if applicable.



Zomato Cancellation Policy for Restaurants


Query : How to cancel order on zomato

Zomato recognizes that restaurants occasionally face situations where they need to cancel an order. Their cancellation policy for restaurants is designed to ensure fairness and transparency. Here are a few aspects to consider:


  • Communicating with Your customers: If a restaurant wants to cancel an order, they are expected to communicate the cancellation with the customer, providing a valid reason for canceling customer order.


  • Alternatives and compensation: In the event of a restaurant cancellation, Zomato encourages restaurants to offer alternatives or compensation, such as discounted future orders, to maintain customer satisfaction.


  • Restaurant accountability: Zomato holds restaurants accountable for honoring confirmed orders. Failure to fulfill orders without a valid reason may result in penalties or restrictions on the platform.



You can read all the policies here on zomato official site :



As technology evolves, Zomato constantly updates its platform to enhance user experience. While we cannot predict the exact changes coming in 2023, rest assured that Zomato will continue to refine its order cancellation process, making it even more user-friendly. Stay tuned for any updates from Zomato regarding their cancellation procedures in the future so here got your answer for how to cancel order on zomato if find this post helpful then please comment below Thank you.

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